Chelveston-cum-Caldecott Parish Council
Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)

About this site

This site documents the development of our "Neighbourhood Development Plan" by the NDP Working Party. The plan defines the planning policy priorities identified by the community taking into account all representations made during the plan-making process and having regard to all relevant existing plans and evidence.

Under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 (Schedule 9, Section 61F) Chelveston-cum-Caldecott Parish Council is the qualifying body for the preparation of an NDP for the civil parish of Chelveston-cum-Caldecott., a legal document which will provide the planning framework for all future development in the Village. Without such a plan, the Parish will be unable to manage pressure from developers who might wish to take advantage of land that might become available in the Village. With such a plan, we can specify where, how much and what type of development should be permitted.