The NDP Working Party endeavoured to consult with all landowners in the Village, any residents who wish to be involved and with local businesses.
All consultations are now closed but shown below is a summary of the consultations that took place.
Consultation with Land Owners
A call for aspirational sites NDP-0078 was sent to all land owners identified on the map NDP-0075. The consultation started on 4th September 2013 and closed on 30th November 2013.
Land owners were asked to suggest what aspirations they have for their land over the next 20 years. If they nominated a site, its merits will be analysed and residents will be consulted on its suitability for development and on the desirability of development. There is no guarantee that a nominated site will ultimately be included in the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
Consultation with Residents
- The results of the call are shown in the "index to sites" NDP-SITES
- A map of the sites submitted is shown here NDP-SITESPLAN
- There was an exhibition of submissions for all residents held in the Village Hall on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th December 2013. 122 residents attended and feedback on the exhibition has been published - see NDP-0160.
- Following the exhibition, detailed consultations were held with each area of the Village in which Residents will be able to discuss the submissions with Land Owners. Details of the consultation dates and the process have been published in Newsletter NDP-N003.
- The Working Party invited comments on all aspirational sites. Comments made can be viewed here.
- Consultation meeting dates were:
- The Working Party drafted a detailed plan for discussion and residents had the opportunity to review this before it was submitted for scrutiny by the inspector.
Date | Area being reviewed | Agenda |
Wednesday 15th January 2014 | Covering Caldecott sites | NDP-C001 |
Wednesday 22nd January 2014 | Covering Chelston Rise sites | NDP-C002 |
Thursday 23rd January 2014 | Covering Water Lane, Sawyers Crescent, Raunds Road sites | NDP-C003 |
Monday 3rd February 2014 | Covering Duchy Field and Steve Craythorn's site | NDP-C004 |
Wednesday 5th Feburary2014 | Covering JST Fork Trucks | NDP-C005 |
Thursday 6th February 2014 | Covering Britten Close, KImbolton Road sites | NDP-C006 |