Chelveston-cum-Caldecott Parish Council
Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)

Emerging NDP Document

This folder contains documents relating to the emerging NDP document

Contents of: /documents/emerging-plan/

0 folders, 27 files

Up to parent folder
NDP-0243 Draft v3 comments received 2016 03 16 888.89KB
NDP-0305 Changes from v1.0 to v4.0 1.21MB
NDP-0304 References v4.01 1.22MB
NDP-0303 Sustainability Appraisal v4.01 1.35MB
NDP-0302 Formal Consultation Statement v4.01 1.96MB
NDP-0301 Basic Conditions Statement v4.01 1.33MB
NDP-0300 Our Plan v4.01 7.22MB
NDP-0193 Our Plan v1.0 7.17MB
NDP-0223 Coversheet v2.0 1.19MB
NDP-0211 Our Plan v2.0 7.63MB
NDP-0218 Basic Conditions Statement v2.0 1.84MB
NDP-0219 Sustainability Appraisal v2.0 1.83MB
NDP-0220 References v2.0 1.23MB
NDP-0221 Changes from v1.0 to v2.0 1.7MB
NDP-0222 Formal Consultation Statement v2.0 2.29MB
NDP-0200 C007 Presentation 4.75MB
Backup of ndp-dashboard 145.33KB
NDP-0194 References v1.0 579.04KB
NDP-0190 Sustainability Appraisal v1.0 671.77KB
NDP-0189 Basic Conditions Statement v1.0 1017.06KB
NDP-0188 Formal Consultation Statement v1.0 1.5MB
NDP-0181 APA 2014 Presentation 1.05MB
NDP-0182 Outcome of Aspirational Site Submission 960.57KB
NDP-0142 Filenote Meeting 2013 11 07 779.73KB
NDP-0137 Plan Section 2 v0.08 1.18MB
NDP-0138 Plan Section 3 v0.06 1.16MB
NDP-0136 Plan Section 1 v0.05 548.14KB

A short link can be made to any document using the format where "nnnn" is the document number and "x" is an optional letter identifying the type of document. e.g. Notice carefully the hyphen (dash) between the "NDP" and the "nnnn", it needs to be there!