Chelveston-cum-Caldecott Parish Council
Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)

Materials Relating to Higham Ferrers NDP

This folder contains materials relating to the development of Higham Ferrers NDP.

Contents of: /documents/reference-material/higham-ferrers/

0 folders, 5 files

Up to parent folder
NDP-0127 HFTC Neighbourhood Plan Communication Strategy v1 1.09MB
NDP-0047 Higham Ferrers Application for designation of neighbourhood plan area 1.1MB
NDP-0057 Higham Ferrers Transport Study Jan 2013 5.2MB
NDP-0059 Higham Ferrers Feedback Sessions January 2012 843.12KB
NDP-0058 Higham Ferrers Questionnaire Results 866.58KB

A short link can be made to any document using the format where "nnnn" is the document number and "x" is an optional letter identifying the type of document. e.g. Notice carefully the hyphen (dash) between the "NDP" and the "nnnn", it needs to be there!